Exfoliation of sensitive skin - key ingredient

This exfoliating ingredient gives you a great glow without any irritation
If you are passionate about skincare, there is a chance that, at some point, you exaggerate with the exfoliation. If you exfoliate too aggressively, you risk damaging the skin barrier that keeps moisture inside.
When the skin is affected - it may show signs of redness, itching, dryness or rashes.
That's why, regardless of your skin type, it pays to know your options. Excessive exfoliation is a no-go under any circumstances, but if you're someone whose skin is sensitive and prone to feeling over-developed, you might want to know about enzymes.
Enzymes are exfoliants that remove dead skin and are often derived from various fruits such as pineapple, papaya and pumpkin, they dissolve keratinized cells, which are completely dead skin flakes on the surface. The difference between enzymes and acids (which are probably the most popular option when it comes to exfoliation these days) is that once the enzymes have "eaten" dead skin cells, they stop working and do not affect the healthy, living cells underneath. On the other hand, acids work on the glue that binds the skin together, which then allows the dead skin cells to fall off. They can penetrate deeper, which means that the living layers of the skin can be affected - of course, sometimes this is needed, but it must be done correctly, otherwise irritation and damage can occur.