Christmas games

Christmas is coming. An amazing time that brings people closer. This phrase is especially true for families. It is during this period that we spend more time with our families. Some of us talk for hours and others are looking for an extra reason to stay together. However, as much as you would not like to talk, nothing can give more life and fun than the games through which we all interact.
Here are some game ideas for Christmas night and not only, whether you are around your family or friends
This game is a classic but one that doesn't seem to get old over time. Of course, you can play it anytime, but why not create a Christmas version of the game.
All you need is a white bucket on which the eyes, nose and mouth of the snowman will be drawn (you can do this with a carioca or with paper cutouts) and of course the white balls that can be decorated in the same way if desired like the bucket. For the game to proceed easily, it is preferable to use plastic balls, but it is no problem if you improvise.
The empty bucket is placed in the center of the room and the players with the prepared balls go to a corner and try to hit the bucket. Although it is a simple game, it will bring a smile to everyone's face, regardless of age. If you want to increase the desire to win, you can also invent a prize for the one who hits the mark the most, for example, a few napkin masks , everyone loves relaxation.
This is a game inspired by party games, but it can also be perfectly suited to family relaxation. Of course, in this game too you will need the savior carioca that will transform the simple plastic cups into snowmen. Don't forget to position the glasses upside down before starting to transform them. Although the classic idea of the game is to knock down the towers with the ball (You can use the balls already made from the previous game) my advice is to first make a contest for the highest tower. That way everyone will be involved and the fun will last longer.

This game is perfect for finding who is the most organized in the family. The game is simple and requires only 1 random thing in two or more colors and containers depending on the number of colors used. Let's say that you will use candies of 2 colors that you will distribute (during the game of course) in two glass bowls, each color in a separate bowl. Put all the candies in a pile and start the timer. If you want the game to be more interesting, use containers as narrow as possible to make the process more difficult. Play in turn and write the results from the timer on a sheet. The fastest way is to get an organizer for all the cosmetic products you have.
Question-Answer games will never go out of fashion. However, if you want a funnier version, all you have to do is create a table and print it out. Write ahead of time in the first line the theme of the questions or the theme of the debates (for example Column 1: Christmas movies, Column 2: Traditional Christmas food. Column 3: What animals are associated with Christmas). You decide how difficult the questions will be and on what topic. Now let's think about what rules and what prizes we can use. First of all, you have to think about how many answer spaces you leave for each question. Do not put too many or too few, ideally a maximum of five. After you print them, distribute one sheet to each family member (Important, the sheets must be written down so that no one sees the questions). A good idea would be to do this game on time (20 seconds let's say, it's enough to think and little enough to complete absolutely everything). Of course, if you feel like doing a bigger table or more difficult questions, you can increase the time. Now it remains to determine what prizes we offer and how. My advice would be to give a prize for each completed line (that is, one answer from each question).
At a full line you can offer a chocolate bar, everyone will most likely end up here, even those who don't love chocolate.
You can put a hand cream or mask on two lines, something not too expensive but extremely useful, especially in winter.
At three lines you can put something more serious into play, for example the right to choose the music on Christmas Eve (if there are more people who stopped at three lines, they will share this right).
You can offer patches on four lines, everyone will need them after Christmas Eve.
At five lines, being the undisputed winner with all the spaces filled, he deserves the biggest prize, for example a sleeping mask and the promise from the whole family that his sweet sleep will not be interrupted the morning after Christmas.

This game is perfect for gift lovers. Of course, Mosul will also bring you some, but for gifts too much does not hurt. This game is a kind of Secret Santa, only no one knows who will give the gift or if anyone will receive it. Let me explain: Each Participant prepares 2-3 gifts (so that no one is left without). The gifts will be wrapped and placed in the center of the game area. Each participant, in addition to the gifts prepared by them, will also present 3 already wrapped gifts from other participants. Thus, the gifts will get mixed up so that at the beginning of the game no one will know which gift they will receive (Maybe you will be lucky and win the gift prepared by you). In these gifts you can put anything from shampoos and deodorants to already prepared Beauty Boxes . When the game starts, all the gifts are placed in the center and a dice is prepared. Each player takes a gift of their choice and starts the game. One person is chosen to start the game. This will roll the dice.
If the Dice lands on 1, his gift will be given to the person on the right.
If the Dice lands on 2, his gift will be given to the one on the left.
If the Dice falls on 3 or 4, the player has the right to steal any gift, whether it is in another player's hand or in the pile in the center.
If the Dice falls on 5 or 6 and the player has at least one present in his mother, he opens it.
The die is thrown in the direction of that clock.
The game continues until all the gifts are opened.

I hope you liked the game ideas I gave you and that they will beautify your evening spent with family or friends during Christmas and beyond.