Wrinkles: The signs of skin aging that everyone wants to get rid of

The wrinkle is the first sign of the skin's natural aging process. Although it is normal for them to appear after a certain age, this does not mean that they cannot be treated in order to have a young face for as long as possible. So, read more in this article and find out the answer to the question "Why do I have wrinkles?" and how you can treat them.
What are wrinkles and why do they appear
Wrinkles are folds of the skin that appear naturally, with the passage of time. These changes in the appearance of the skin are a sign of aging, a phenomenon that affects people differently depending on several factors. Most of the time, wrinkles appear on the face, neck, but also on the hands. Women, however, feel the most uncomfortable with those on the face, because they make them look older.
Depending on the genetic baggage, collagen production gradually decreases after 20 years. Practically, the elasticity of the skin decreases and favors the appearance of wrinkles. However, there are people who experience the first changes in their skin only at the age of 40 and others who face them much earlier. This happens because, in addition to the genetic factor, there are others that favor the appearance of wrinkles on the skin, but which can be prevented by different methods, if you know what to pay attention to.
Factors that favor the appearance or worsening of wrinkles
- Genetic baggage - this is the factor over which you have no control. You are born with a genetic material inherited from generation to generation and you have no way to prevent the changes in your body.
- Facial expressions - each person has a different facial expression that leads, due to repeated movements, to various wrinkles. Depending on the elasticity of the skin and the frequency of movements, wrinkles can be deeper or surface.
- Pollution - the environment is an extremely important factor that influences the human body from many points of view. At the skin level, harmful substances lead to the appearance of oxidative stress, which can produce quite pronounced wrinkles.
- Unhealthy lifestyle - two decisive factors in the appearance of your skin are smoking and alcohol. While the first vice leads to a decrease in blood flow to the skin, the second causes the body to become dehydrated, making the skin dry and devoid of femininity.
- UV rays - ultraviolet radiation damages collagen and elastin fibers, two factors that lead to the loss of the skin's firmness and elasticity.
How you can prevent wrinkles
- Regular sleep - it is recommended to sleep 7-8 hours every night so that your body feels ready to start a new day. Follow a fixed schedule and try, as much as possible, to sleep face up. An unbalanced sleep schedule leads to the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead or around the eyes
- Remove make-up properly - many people make the mistake of only washing with soap and water. However, in order to give your skin a care routine that is beneficial to it, you need a makeup remover, a cleansing gel and a facial toner . Simple washing does not remove all the impurities that favor the formation of wrinkles.
- Avoid exposure to the sun without sun protection - regardless of age and season, you should not leave the house without applying face creams with sun protection . Don't forget, UV rays prematurely age the skin.
- Use sunglasses - don't frown because of the rays that bother your eyes. Do not hesitate to use sunglasses to ensure that the muscles of your face are always relaxed.
- Vitamin C - opt for serums or oils that intensely hydrate the face. Try to use products with vitamin C, they provide high protection against UVA and UVB radiation.
- Adopt a balanced diet - you are mostly what you eat and that's why you have to be careful what you eat. Opt for a diet based on fruits and vegetables, which will give you extra vitamins. This will show in the appearance of your skin in the long term.
- Hydration - hydrate yourself properly by consuming at least 2L of water per day. Avoid alcohol and coffee because they dehydrate you. Replace coffee with cocoa to increase the level of antioxidants in your body, which also helps to fade wrinkles.
Types of wrinkles and their treatment
Not all wrinkles are the same! These skin imperfections were divided into five categories depending on their appearance and cause. Here's how you can distinguish between them in order to treat them properly:
Compression wrinkles
These wrinkles are being talked about more and more recently, given the fact that they are also the last to be discovered. Compression wrinkles appear during sleep because of the way you sleep. They meet on the chest, neck and face. Most of the time, they disappear a few hours after sleep, but some people with less elastic skin are unlucky enough to stay with them for a long time.
How can they be treated? First of all, try to sleep on your back, so as not to put pressure on the skin on your face, neck or chest. Avoid burying your head in the pillow during sleep and thus you can avoid this type of wrinkles. Of course, it is advisable to use moisturizing face cream and eye cream to ensure better skin elasticity at night.
Elastic wrinkles
These wrinkles appear due to exposure to the sun without a sunscreen to protect the skin from UV rays. Elastic wrinkles appear as small indentations and are generally found in the area of the lips, cheeks and neck.
If you already have such wrinkles, the effective treatment method is with peeling lasers. But even if you are going to use such a treatment, you still have to be very careful with the sun's rays so as not to worsen your situation.
Atrophic wrinkles
Most people with a pronounced facial expression have such signs. Atrophic wrinkles are those parallel and deep lines on the forehead. There are people who face these skin folds since their youth.
You can prevent the appearance of atrophic wrinkles or improve them through a proper skin hydration routine. The treatment of deep atrophic wrinkles is carried out with injectable substances, as it is an area continuously affected by the mimicry of the face.
Gravitational wrinkles
People over 40 suffer from such wrinkles most often and they can be recognized very easily by the loose skin. As you get older, the skin loses its elasticity, and the earth's gravity begins to take its toll. These wrinkles are often found on the face.
Treating wrinkles caused by gravity is quite difficult. In the first phase, treatments performed with radiofrequency or ultrasound devices are recommended. If these methods do not provide the desired results, you can proceed to a face lift. It should be noted that skin care with creams or serums containing collagen is a priority in the daily routine.
Expression lines
Perhaps the most common are expression wrinkles, because they appear easily at any age. These tend to be superficial at first, becoming deeper over time. Expression lines appear in the corners of the eyes, between the eyebrows and around the mouth.
Unfortunately, there is no effective prevention method, because it would mean not moving your facial muscles in any way. It is true, however, that proper hydration can help improve them. The treatment method for these types of wrinkles is Botox.
How to choose the right anti-wrinkle cream
Most likely, you have had the following dilemma many times: which cream should I choose. Given the fact that there is a wide range of products, it is quite difficult to find the right cream for your needs. Here's what you need to do before making a decision regarding your next face cream .
- Do not be influenced by the packaging and read the label very carefully. If you know you have certain allergies or you don't get along well with a substance, pay close attention to every detail on the packaging. Regarding anti-wrinkle creams, opt for those with the highest content of active ingredients.
- Use retinol creams if you want to get rid of the lines around your eyes. This substance has the role of antioxidant and helps to create new, healthier cells.
- Vitamin C creams or serums are the best for preventing wrinkles. The high content of vitamin C protects the skin in the fight against the sun's harmful rays.
- Choose products for quality, not for price. Even if they are cheap or expensive, the price does not necessarily speak of the quality of an anti-wrinkle product. Guide yourself by the ingredients on the packaging and by your needs.
The ingredients of an anti-wrinkle cream and what they help you with
Whether you opt for night masks , cleansing masks or oils/creams to help your skin stay fresh and bright, you need to know the effects of the basic ingredients of the products. To make a wise and beneficial choice for you, you need some knowledge about the most common ingredients in anti-wrinkle cosmetic products.
- Vitamin C - protects the skin against the sun's rays and helps the skin to produce an optimal amount of collagen.
- Collagen - is responsible for the firmness of the skin and protects it against harmful external factors.
- Hyaluronic acid - is a substance that helps the skin not to age prematurely and reduces wrinkles due to its ability to retain water. This substance has an important role in terms of firmness, favoring the formation of new collagen fibers.
- Coenzyme Q10 - reduces wrinkles deep in the skin and protects the skin against free radicals. It is a very effective substance in fighting wrinkles.
- Retinol - this substance helps the skin to restore and smooth out. Moreover, it is an extremely effective antioxidant.
Facial massage for the prevention and treatment of wrinkles
Include facial massage in your routine, at least three times a week, and you will see miraculous results in time. The massage helps the skin and muscles to relax and allows for much more intensive hydration. Relaxation, firmness and smoothing are just a few benefits that the skin of your face deserves to enjoy. Start stretching your skin to gain more elasticity, to visibly reduce wrinkles, but also to prevent them.
In order for the results to be visible and as fast as possible, use cosmetic accessories such as the gua sha pad and the roller for facial massage. These tools will make the anti-wrinkle facial massage you need more efficient.
To perform an effective anti-wrinkle massage, you must follow the following steps:
- The anti-wrinkle massage starts at the level of the neck, with light movements from the bottom up. Follow this direction to lift the skin from the neck and not to stimulate wrinkles caused by gravity. The movements must start from the neckline and end at the edge of the face.
- Next, go to the eyes, using circular movements around them. The direction of the movement must be from the inner corner of the eye, towards the eyebrow and then towards the outer corner of the eye. Continue under the eye until you get back to where you started.
- Pay special attention to the area between the eyebrows, massaging with movements similar to a semicircle up to the forehead.
- The next step is massaging the forehead and temples with movements that start from the inside and end outside.
- After you are done with these areas, you can deal with the cheeks. They are properly massaged starting from the area under the nose and continuing gently towards the chin, moving towards the temples. It is very important to respect the natural line of your cheekbones to give them more contour and firmness.
- Last but not least, insist on the areas where you know you have problems with wrinkles.
In conclusion, wrinkles are a problem for all people, being a natural result of skin aging. This does not mean, however, that you cannot prevent or treat the signs of aging. Take great care to eliminate a large part of the factors that favor the appearance of wrinkles on the skin and to include in your routine suitable creams, oils, serums, masks and last but not least, an anti-wrinkle massage.
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