Skin care routine: how do you build a correct skin care routine according to your skin type?

Beautiful and velvety skin is obtained over a long period of time and requires constant care, because this does not depend only on DNA, but also on the habits you form daily with your skin. If you look in the mirror and are unhappy with the current state of your skin, it is probably time to review the products you have chosen to include in your care routine.
Of course, there are many skin care products on the market, with many positive reviews, but not everything that has worked for certain people will, guaranteed, work for you too, your optimal skin care routine should start with a visit at the dermatologist. Also, from the very beginning, it must be specified that moisturizing and protecting the skin against UV rays are more than necessary things, which should not be missing from your care routine, regardless of your skin type.
Find out from this article which steps you should not skip in your care routine, as well as which products are recommended according to your skin type.
1. Skin care routine: essential steps you must follow
There are some rules that you cannot overlook when you want a visible result, especially considering the fact that the skin is one of the most sensitive areas of the body. Whether you have oily, mixed or dry skin, you must make sure that it is not deprived of proper cleansing and proper hydration. Think of your skin care routine as a project that you want to complete successfully.
Cleansing the face
Cleansing the face is the basic step in the skin care process and it is necessary to do it twice a day, once in the morning and then in the evening, before resting. Regardless of whether you take care of your skin alone at home or at the salon, this habit should not be missing from your daily routine. Although it may sound simple, this step is important and must be carried out carefully, because each type of skin needs a specific cleaning product. More precisely, the soap or cleansing foam used both in the morning and in the evening must be suitable for your skin type (oily, dry, mixed or sensitive/acneic), to avoid possible complications generated by the incompatibility between the product and your skin. This aspect is important for the removal of sebum that forms on the surface of the face throughout the day, and its removal prevents the appearance of acne.
Toner application
Applying toner is another essential step in the skin care routine, which can be done either daily or two/three times a week. This helps to eliminate toxins from the surface of the skin, but also to improve the effects of harmful external factors, such as exposure to UV radiation. After applying the toner, it is not necessary to rinse: you can wait a few minutes, to give the skin a break to absorb the nutrients, after which you can proceed to hydration.
Face hydration
Proper skin care cannot be completed without hydration, and this step includes optimal water consumption throughout the day. Of course, every skin type is different and, then, the care routine must include the right products for hydration specific to your skin type.
This step does not have to be done every day, in order not to excessively attack the skin. At a regular period of time, however, it is recommended to use a facial peeling suitable for you, to remove impurities from the depth of the skin and to unclog the pores.
2. Skin care according to its type
The objective you have to keep in mind when maintaining a daily skin care routine is to improve skin health, because age can be an impediment when you don't take into account your personal needs or choose your products carefully.
2.1 Oily skin care
For oily skin, the care routine becomes essential from the first moments of the day. Thus, the morning skin care routine is as high a priority as the evening routine, because you need to constantly make sure that your skin is not affected by an overload of sebum. Oily skin can be quite problematic, but if you keep your skin clean with the help of specific care products, you will be able to avoid possible breakouts on the surface of the face, caused by blocked pores.
The proper care of oily skin also consists in the use of a suitable toner and exfoliating products. Also, although it may seem paradoxical, oily skin also needs optimal hydration, just like other skin types. It is important, however, to use products tailored to your skin type, being recommended, in this case, a visit to the dermatologist for a specific routine.
The skin care routine for oily skin is essential, because, in the absence of rigorous cleansing, the appearance of excess sebum and the blocking of pores are favored, which can lead to the appearance of acne or breakouts. If you have the habit of wearing make-up during the day, it is essential to never omit the make-up remover in your evening routine. Of course, you can also use night masks , such as those made of clay, for a deeper cleaning of the pores.
2.2 Care of mixed skin
Taking care of mixed skin requires a detailed skin routine, which must start with cleaning products. They should not be aggressive, but delicate, especially with areas prone to the appearance of excess sebum. It is also recommended that they contain as many vitamins and antioxidants beneficial to the skin as possible.
Do not forget to use the skin cleansing product twice a day - in the morning and in the evening before sleep. Cleansing the skin must be carried out in a gentle manner, and for drying, you only need to dab the skin with a soft towel.
Also, after cleaning, don't forget to apply a moisturizing and soothing toner, so as not to risk drying or irritating the skin. Combination skin needs products that contain antioxidants, in order to deeply nourish the skin and thus prevent its excessive drying. Don't forget that when you moisturize your face, you must also pay attention to the neck area, which is equally important.
2.3 Care of sensitive and acne-prone skin
Sensitive skin is most prone to specific problems, such as acne, rosacea or pigment spots. That is why it is recommended to follow a rigorous care routine, which will help you prevent all these problems.
Just like in any other routine, the most important step is cleaning. It is recommended to use delicate cleansing foams , which remove impurities without aggressively drying your skin. Afterwards, use a toner that does not contain alcohol and a serum or oil that will act to treat your skin's specific problems. End the care routine with a moisturizing cream and, regardless of the season, a sunscreen to minimize the harmful effects of solar radiation.
2.4 Dry skin care
Caring for dry skin is the opposite of the routine for caring for oily skin. The correct dry skin care routine must begin by using products that do not contain perfume or alcohol, because these components dry the skin more and favor the appearance of wrinkles and acne problems. Moreover, you can use make-up removers with essential oils and regularly use moisturizing creams - morning and evening, after cleansing the skin with a specific cleanser. Sun protection is equally important and relevant, so don't avoid buying an SPF.
3. Skin care after 35 years: mature skin care routine
The skin is constantly exposed to harmful external factors, which can lead to premature aging of the skin. Wrinkles or loss of elasticity are factors that signal aging, and that is precisely why the skin care ritual must be indispensable regardless of age, becoming all the more important after 35 years. You cannot prevent aging in years, but you can prevent the aging process of the skin by observing daily skin care.
Once you approach the age of 40, skin care involves the use of products that contain collagen. Also, you must be much more attentive to sun protection, because exposure to solar radiation encourages skin aging. In addition, if you feel the need to put on make-up, make sure you only use quality products suitable for your skin type (combination, oily, dry, sensitive).
If you have reached the age of 35 and the first signs of aging worry you, follow the following essential tips and, of course, visit a specialist who can offer you a personalized care routine:
- Protect your skin from the sun's rays daily;
- Stop practicing harmful rituals (ex: smoking, drinking alcohol);
- Maintain a healthy diet, rich in nutrients and vitamins;
- Try to do sports a few times a week;
- Clean the skin twice a day (morning and evening);
- Apply every day a suitable moisturizing cream for your skin.
4. Skin care depending on the season
Although there are certain steps that you must follow regardless of the time of year, a correct skin care routine must be customized according to the specific harmful external factors of each season. Here are some essential tips:
4.1 Summer skin care
In summer, strong sun rays intervene, which are a threat to healthy skin. Therefore, the skin care steps this season are the same (makeup removal, cleaning, hydration, sun protection), but with small changes to the products. Hydration of the skin during the summer will be done with products that contain high SPF. It is also important to include in your routine a serum with vitamin C for whitening and to periodically use products for exfoliation. Last but not least, if you're a fan of daily makeup, make sure that the products you use are non-comedogenic, which means they don't clog pores.
4.2 Skin care in the cold season: autumn and winter
During the cold season, the skin must receive increased attention, hydration remaining essential in the skin care routine. In the morning, the routine must respect adequate and delicate cleaning, without using products containing perfume. In the evening, don't forget the make-up removal process, but make sure that the product you use is gentle on the skin and does not dry the skin.
In autumn, periodic exfoliation remains valid, at least 2 times a week, to remove dead skin cells. Of course, keep moisturizing the skin with the products you need, especially considering the fact that the skin suffered a whole summer because of the heat - now is the perfect time to turn to products rich in nutrients and oils.
In conclusion, the skin care routine is vital for any type of skin, because, without its care, aging problems appear much faster, and bacteria favor the appearance of rashes or acne, aspects that you do not want in your life day by day.
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